You will need
  • - a computer with installed CAD the AutoCAD
  • - connect to the Internet.
Pick a project that you will work to CAD AutoCAD. It can be drawing simple parts such as bushings or washers. So you quickly can learn how to draw in AutoCAD, since you will implement your project, applying, consolidating and practicing these skills to work in the program.
Launch AutoCAD on your computer. Before you open the working window of the program. By default, everything you do will be saved in a file with the name "Чертеж1.dwg". Try to just give the file the desired name, for example "Bushing.dwg" and save it in the directory from which you would prefer to work with him. This can be done by opening the "File" tab and selecting "Save as...".
Use the ORTHO mode and "snap" at the bottom of the work window. This will allow you to easily draw perpendicular lines and to quickly find the nodes, points of intersection of lines, midpoints, and centers of circles.
Open the tab "Drawing". Here are the necessary tools for making drawings. The tool Bar allows you to draw straight lines bounded by two points. By using the tool "Circle" to draw a circle of a given radius. The length of a line or the radius of the circle in millimeters set in the command line located at the bottom of the work window.
In the tab "Editing" tools that allow you to change drawn object (line, arc, segment, etc.). For example, the tool "Mirror" can mirror the object relative to the chosen axis.
Use the help of the program, which you can open in the appropriate "help" tab. In it you will find the user manual and command reference, use the search help topics. If you do not find your question, try, use the English knowledge base or ask a question on the official forum for users of AutoCAD. All of this can be found on the website of the company Autodesk, which produces the software product.