You will need
  • pine oleoresin;
  • - onion peel, Apple cider vinegar;
  • - garlic, butter, soda, citric acid;
  • - the leaves of the iris garden;
  • - figs;
  • - ammonia, wax, wormwood vodka.
For the treatment of fresh torn or blood blisters, take the fresh SAP of any coniferous tree. Apply corn resin and cover the patch. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day. Within two days the wound heals.
For the treatment of dry corn on the foot, prepare onion peel. Soak the husks of the old onion in the wine or Apple cider vinegar for 5-7 days. Before the procedure, rasparte feet in warm water with baking soda or lemon juice, grind the corn with a pumice stone. Apply on the corn taken out of the vinegar onion peel a layer of 0.2-0.3 cm. Cover with plastic wrap and secure with a bandage. Change the compress 2 times a day. In the evening soak feet in warm water and treat with a pumice stone. If the corn is not removed, again apply a poultice with onion skin. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of blisters.
Painful calluses treat in the following way. Pass through a garlic press 2 cloves of garlic and mix with an equal amount of butter. Components grind until smooth and apply on the corn. Fix it with a patch. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Before bedtime do foot baths with baking soda or lemon juice. Processed pumice, again impose a compress with the garlic butter. Corn disappears within 3-4 days.
The disappearance of blisters helps milky juice of figs ordinary. Add to corn the inner surface of the cut fruit and lock it with the bandage. Perform the procedure daily at night.
On the hardened skin of the feet can be applied steamed leaves of iris, which contributed to painless removal of corns. Finely chop the leaves of the iris garden, cover with boiling water. Attach to feet, cover with cellophane and secure with a bandage. The procedure time is 2-3 hours. The skin is well softened and easily removed with a pumice stone.
Rasparte feet in warm water with addition of ammonia. Treating the corn with a pumice stone, apply the following remedy. Mix 5 grams of wax, a tablespoon of mashed fresh sage and 15 ml of vodka. The composition should have the consistency of a slurry. Apply it on the sore spot and, fixing a bandage, leave overnight. In the morning the bandage can be removed, but if you can – better to leave. Follow the procedure 3-4 times.