You will need
  • — Bank details for payment of the fine;
  • — receipt of payment;
  • the amount of the fine.
In order for the correct amount, imposed on you a fineyou can contact the district tax office. The amount of back taxes and a fine ofs you can find on the official website of the tax Inspectorate in section personal Cabinet of the taxpayer. Don't delay a visit to a tax preparer, because if you don't know about imposed a fine ofe, it will not protect you from non-payment. Ask the inspector checking your calculations with the budget for last and current periods. Specify the timing of filing for individual entrepreneurs, since the most common tax is an offence for late filing of tax statements.
To pay the penalty through a Bank receipt, or through the current account. Be sure to check the correct details for payment of your fine. Details you can get directly to the tax office, or on the official website Keep receipt of payment of the fineand within 3 years, so you can protect yourself from the consequences of a wrong transfer of your payment.
After paying a fineand a few days re-contact the tax inspector to verify that the payment was correct. Now all you can sleep peacefully.
The amount of the tax penaltyand you can reduce or not to pay. To do this, you can file a lawsuit in the arbitration court, or to resolve the matter out of court.