You will need
  • - superphosphate
  • nitrogen fertilizer
  • - potassium salt
  • - peat
  • - sand
  • - potassium permanganate
Can you plant grapes in spring, soon after frost, in a period of rapid growth of seedlings and early autumn. But early autumn planting is preferable, as in September, the actively growing root system and the plant is well rooted, allowing it to overwinter well.
If the soil at the site is poor, guide the recovery of soil structure. For this spring, dig up the plot as deeply as possible and then plant a pea, mustard, vetch, rank, or other legumes. Fill in the soil superphosphate at the rate of 150 grams per square meter, fifty grams of nitrogen fertilizer and 50 – 100 potassium salt. Before flowering ground bevel, and fill in the ground by 20 inches in depth. Keep the ground weed-free, and early fall planted seedlings.
If the soil is clay, you need to drain — it will not allow the roots of seedlings to penetrate the cold clay layer. If you plant grapes in the spring, work on the preparation of soil is necessary to begin in the fall. Remove 2 – 3 bayonet top layer of soil, pour a layer of sand with a thickness of 5 – 10 centimeters. Mix the topsoil with clay, lime, peat, rotted manure and sand. From the structure of the soil depends in what proportions you need to take all of these components.
A week before planting, start to carry the seedlings to the yard so they get used to dry air. Day plants keep in a shade, and at night – get into the room. Before you plant the grapes, seedlings need to prepare. To do this, trim the excess shoots, trim the roots, leaving about 15 centimetres – 20. If Bush roots dried, put it in water for 1 – 2 hours, and then make out of clay and manure (2:1) "mash" and dip the seedlings.
Then, dig a hole and hammer in center of planting a stake to which tie twine seedling or sapling press to a lateral wall of the fossa. Is that Bush is not settled, and the roots are not curled up. Covered the pit with earth, well it will seal, and be sure to pour the potassium permanganate. The solution should be light pink.