This type of business in Russia has a number of features associated with its characteristics. It is also believed that tire, outdoor skilled and "handy" an entrepreneur is a so-called gold mine, as it requires a pretty minimum amount of initial monetary investment, but pays off quite quickly.
The first and most important check legal form for the future of the business (for individuals will be quite open UI, and for legal entities - LLC) to provide all relevant documents. Then the entrepreneur will need to contact the administration of the district in which the businessman plans to open a tire where you will be given a permit.
Then, perhaps, the most difficult will be the execution of necessary sanitary-epidemiological documents. This is composed of software and organization of production control over compliance with sanitary norms; the official conclusion of the Federal inspector which will make the act of compliance of the production areas of the tire with the relevant norms and standards; and received in the same Rospotrebnadzore permit issued on the basis of the previous document; concluded with the organization concerned a contract for waste collection and disposal; contract with a company that specializiruetsya on disinfection, disinsection and deratization; the agreement on the cleaning of uniforms of employees of the tire; the agreement on the disposal of mercury lamps and the contract on service of systems of ventilation or air-conditioning.
All the above documents are compulsory, but the validator may also require a more detailed paper, internal documentation, which is addressing the existing inventory, supplies, and accounting of paper relating to the internal activities of an entrepreneur that owns a tire. Do not forget about the number of papers on standards of compliance with fire regulations.
Of course, collecting all the necessary documents can take quite a lot of time, so entrepreneurs, especially beginners, prefer to contact the appropriate organization and qualified staff for a certain monetary reward and for rather short period of time will assemble the entire package of papers with which the businessman can start a business without fear of fines and sanctions by the inspection bodies.