Sport and diet

If you want to look like Madonna, first and foremost is to think about your form. This singer has almost perfect volume with a small increase. Her weight never exceeded 55 pounds. It manages the pop Queen thanks to regular exercise. She goes to the gym twice a day. Even in the midst of a long tour, Madonna manages to keep in shape.

The singer periodically sits on the grapefruit diet. This fruit burns extra fat and helps maintain weight. The diet includes the consumption of Breakfast grapefruit or juice from it for lunch suitable salad vegetables or cereal on water. Dinner is preferable to eat light yogurt or chicken for a couple.

Madonna indulges not only in fatty foods, sweets and fast food. She is a vegetarian and doesn't eat meat. Protein it replaces a small amount of nuts and legumes. Milk is banned, and eggs. Scientists have proved that these products are only useful when young. Besides, the singer is drinking plenty of fluids, maintaining the balance in the body.

To look like Madonna, it is necessary to do morning exercises every day. If the singer has no time for professional training, she does it alone.

Makeup and clothing

Madonna is considered a style icon. Its image bright and unique. Despite the outrageous image of a star, she prefers a simple makeup style nude in most cases. Beige complexion with peach blush makes someone younger. The famous gap-toothed smile adds to her playfulness, so she can afford a simple pink lip gloss. Eyelashes and eyebrows Madonna trying to make one brown. The fashion for brows sable has already passed, so the singer gives them a graceful curved shape.

Often the makeup of the evening star made in more vivid colours. Madonna loves red lipstick even with the 80-ies. Black arrows emphasize the expressiveness of her eyes. Sometimes stylists make her arrows on the upper and under the lower eyelid. If you want to be like Madonna, be sure to try this make-up.

The hairstyle of the Queen of pop music is changing all the time. But in recent years she became a fan of bright blonde hair and curls. This hairdo and color not only make the younger star, but also refresh the overall look. Once Madonna preferred reddish hues and bouncy curls, but now considers this style to date.

Clothes Madonna — the standard of taste. It is a combination of styles between them. This woman looks elegant even in a tracksuit. Is the celebrity admits that it does best in loose tops and tight pants. That and see her fans on stage. However, Madonna may appear on it in haute couture dress and bodysuit embroidered with thorns. Known for her penchant for cleavage, which is understandable, given the excellent shape of the singer.