Log in to your profile in a social network "Odnoklassniki" using personal login and password. Go to the Alerts tab located in the top menu of the home page. Here you will see all the recent system message you have not read. Select from the list of those alerts that you don't need and remove them. Now on the main page will no longer display the count of system messages.
Turn off notifications about various events sent by the site system to your email or mobile phone number. Why on the home page go to "Change settings". Find here the tab "customize notifications". On this page you will see a list of all activated data at the time of notification, which may send a site system, including: invitations to groups or games, rating photos, birthdays, statuses and more. UN-tick the box next to those messages you don't want to. You can also leave some notice, specifying the most convenient time and method for their production.
Some apps or games social network "Classmates", you added in your profile will continue to send various notifications even after disabling this service in the settings. There are several ways to solve this problem. For example, you can set your desired privacy settings in the app or just remove it from your page if it bothers you too often advertising notifications. You can also configure your e-mail address so that all messages from the social network are automatically deleted upon receipt. Try also to contact the site and complain about stalking the application.