Evenly distribute the daily requirement of calories

If you systematically occurs a treacherous hunger in the evening, your diet is something wrong. Reconsider what and how much you eat during the day. Ideally, the main percentage of the daily intake of calories must be consumed with Breakfast and lunch. Afternoon time is intended for low-calorie snacks rich in protein and fiber.

First and foremost, start to constantly have Breakfast. Many people refuse to the morning meal, just because I don't want to. Indeed, the digestive system takes some time to get your tone. Because the feeling of hunger for a long time does not come, and people are proud that they managed not to eat in the morning, thereby reducing the number of calories per day. But this is deceptive, because the famine to dinner brewing serious. The body will tend to compensate for times of famine, and you will not be able to resist a few dishes for lunch.

Meanwhile, nothing healthy there to eat at one meal of 1000 calories. Isn't it better to eat 400 in the morning, 500 at lunch and 100 in a light snack between them? Besides, you eat at a time a huge portion of food and stretch the stomach. The more distended the stomach, the more often I want to eat. There was a way out in the morning dense and substantial Breakfast. To speed up the awakening of the digestive system on an empty stomach drink a glass of water with lemon and wait 20 minutes.

Between Breakfast and lunch should take no longer than 4 hours. Between them I can even include a small snack: a Cup of yogurt or fruit. Lunch preferably at the same time. Lunch should consist of: cereals, vegetables, fish or meat. This combination will allow you to forget about the hunger. A few hours after lunch, it's easy to eat, avoiding carbohydrate foods. If Breakfast and lunch were enough calories in the evening should not want to eat.

Know the enemy in the face: limit harmful products

If your hunger is emotional, you have a psychological dependence on food, take control of your diet. The main stumbling block in this case – not to act radically. Eat everything, just with varying frequency and in different quantities. Some foods you can eat daily: vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, fish, savory fruit. Only in moderate amounts: nuts, dried fruit, sweet fruit, butter, bread. But there is a category of products that you can afford only occasionally: sweets, pastries, semi-finished products. Such products will be more likely to want at the end of the day. Don't keep these products on hand.