The distemper virus affects the brain and the spinal cord, and lungs. Canine distemper infected people may not, but other animals easily. Worms and insects are disseminators of infection. But a dog can pick up the infection from other Pets. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, through discharge from the eyes and nose. Even after 3 months of recovery the dog is still a germ factory. The virus lurks in the blood, in the abdominal cavity and the spleen. Into the environment he gets from faeces, urine, exfoliated skin. A dog can become infected after sexual contact with sick animals, after eating or drinking from the same bowl with the vector of infection. Transferred the virus on shoes and clothing. To be infected by the distemper, the puppy is mother's milk.
In a small age dogs are most susceptible to viral illness. Distemper occurs in animals of all breeds and ages. If the mother of the puppy was previously sick and was vaccinated, then the offspring will be the strongest natural protection against the disease. To avoid a terrible disease, need to comply with the vaccination scheme, which assigns a veterinarian.
Distemper is not a seasonal disease. The epidemic can flare up at any time of the year. Cats, too, found a kind of distemper, but it is absolutely safe for dogs and Vice versa. The incubation period of distemper virus lasts from 2 days to 3 weeks. The disease can be acute, super acute or molnienosnaya. Sometimes dogs die even before evident clinical picture of the disease.
The patient animal is observed a temperature increase of 2-3 degrees. The dog is in a fever, and this condition may continue for about 12 days. The pet disappear all reflexes, he arrives depressed, stops eating and drinking, trying to get away to a quiet place, it may cause vomiting. With the defeat of the respiratory tract, the dog begins to choke, as the pus and mucus block the nasal passages. You can hear wheezing when you inhale and exhale.
The manifestation of suspicious symptoms in dogs need to show it to the doctor immediately. After conducting tests and examinations a vet can diagnose and prescribe treatment. To date, have not yet developed a cure for distemper, so treatment is aimed at maintaining immunity and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.