Each of the preparations "Turboslim" has a special focus, allowing you to choose the most optimal scheme of losing weight. Tablets well together. Usually prescribed main drug aimed at obtaining the desired effect, and an additional product that helps to fix the result.

"Turboslim Day" and "Turboslim Night"

The effect of the pill, "Turboslim Day" and "Turboslim Night" focused on the fight against obesity taking into account the biological rhythms of the body. Thus, the drug helps to activate the process of weight loss at different times of the day.

"Turboslim Day" take in the morning: 1-2 tablets during Breakfast or 1 tablet at Breakfast and lunch. "Turboslim Night" should be drunk during the dinner, the dosage is 2 capsules. Taking the drug for 4 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course, but before that should take a break of 1 month.

"Turboslim appetite Control"

This drug reduces the feelings of hunger. In the pills contains extract of South African hoodia cactus, which creates a so-called saturation effects. Tablets are convenient to use because is designed to be chewed.

To apply the "appetite Control" should, before each meal, keeping in your mouth as long as possible, until complete dissolution of the drug. Tablets at the time of application affect the taste buds, and therefore the result of their actions comes rather quickly.

"Turboslim Express weight loss"

Pills "rapid weight loss" is aimed at reducing weight within a short period of time. They accelerate metabolism, remove toxins, reduce appetite. The course lasts 3 days. Some tablets 3 times a day during meals in the morning and 2 white – 2 pink, evening – 2 blue capsules.

"Turboslim alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine"

These pills promote the active breakdown of fat and acceleration of metabolism. The drug promotes weight loss and helps to fix the result, and therefore can be used as both primary and extra options. Take it 2 tablets before eating 1 time a day. The course must last at least 1 month.

"Turboslim Blocker calories"

Tablets Blocker calories preventing the absorption of nutrients, primarily carbohydrates and fats. This helps to reduce the number of calories consumed. In addition, the pill reduces appetite. The "blocker calories" is taken with each meal. The course should last at least 20 days. When taken regularly, you should take a break for 10 days.