Features of tea production

Technology of production of green tea is relatively simple. The collected leaves are placed in special apparatus, with which of them to remove the moisture. After this procedure, parts of plants distributed in boxes and sent for sale. This is why green tea is more natural than black: the taste is even reminiscent of fresh brewed leaves.

To make black tea, using special rollers. First, from the leaves removes the moisture, leaving them to valitsa for a few hours, and then each sheet is rolled into the rollers. The plant tissue artificially destroyed, and in response take enzymes. After twisting the dried leaves are subjected to oxidation, in which the main component of plants – catechin is converted to terpinen, teaflavin and other complex combinations of flavonols. Thanks to this process, black tea has a characteristic hue, smell and taste for which it is valued and Amateurs, and professionals.

The benefits of green and black tea

As fermentation in the production process of green tea used in this drink contains enzymes, i.e. molecules that accelerate chemical reactions in the body. It is for this reason this drink often drink, those who want to normalize the metabolism and speed up the getting rid of excess weight. Please note: this advantage is different, not all types of green tea. In particular, in the production of fermented Oolong, but it takes a very short period of time, in contrast to the oxidation process of black tea.

For a long time it was widely believed that only green tea is a powerful antioxidant and can have a rejuvenating effect on the body. However, in reality it is not. Of course, the percentage of catechins that perform the function of antioxidants in green tea above. However, scientists managed to establish that terpinen and teaflavin not inferior to the use of catechins, therefore, their rich black tea can also be called wonderful drink-antioxidant.

In General, both therapeutic and rejuvenating properties of green and black tea is comparable, so it is difficult to say which of these drinks healthier. This means that the best option for the buyer to choose the one that like.