To work in this specialty need to complete a higher educational institution in the appropriate direction. Often specialty "veterinarian" is available in some agricultural and medical universities.
Explore schools in your city that offer this specialization. You can also check University rankings and see who of famous veterinarians graduated from this or that educational institution. Number of famous alumni about the quality of education at the University and the preparation of competent professionals. So, a good option for admission to Moscow will be Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology them. Scriabin. It should be noted that MSU has a faculty dedicated to veterinary-sanitary expertise.
For admission to the University, "veterinarian", you must be ready to pass the unified state examination in biology, since the subject in this area of practice is primary.
The profession of veterinarian is srednevozrastnoe on the modern labour market. More likely to find a good job for those who live in large cities. In small towns veterinarians often open a private practice and working hours in the private offices and special clinics. Most specialists work in private or government veterinary hospitals, volunteering to work on exhibitions of animals. Often this doctor manages to get to the zoo, circus or open their own business.