Before starting to write the summary of a scientific article, you must understand that taking an integral, finished work quite seriously different from note-taking dictation in real time, for example, at the lecture. In this case, the aim is not just to fix the presentation of the material by the author, and to create on its basis a holistic, coherent presentation.
Start with a careful reading of the whole article entirely. As you read, note the major parts of the article. They typically include an introduction with a problem statement, main part and conclusion containing conclusions. In each part, highlight the main ideas of the author. For this it is convenient to make notes in the margins of the article with a pencil, which then is not hard to erase.
Having clarified for myself the basic essence of the article and the conclusions made by the author, go to the direct writing of the abstract. Please note that the syllabus requires a brief presentation of the material and your work volume should be much smaller than the original article. This means that it is not necessary to rewrite the author's text in a row. Choose only what you need.
Start the outline of the introductory part containing the formulation of scientific problems and key assumptions. Before writing, reread the first part (usually several paragraphs) and highlight the text's main idea, discarding all party reasoning. In the preparation of the abstract is not very advisable to rewrite the text word for word, quote it in a row. It's much better if you can reformulate the highlighted thoughts in their own words.
Writing the basic provisions of the first part of the article, skip to the next section and repeat with all the previously described sequence of actions. If the article contains any scientific calculations, formulas, postulates, pay special attention to them. This is the Foundation on which the entire evidence base of scientific work. Try to record this data as accurately as possible.
Secondinterval main part of the article, pay particular attention to its conclusion and the conclusions contained therein. Typically, scientific papers are the final conclusions are presented in the form of sequential lists or abstracts. But if not, it is desirable to independently lead the final part to the most formalized mind. In the future, this material will help in its assimilation and processing.