For help you have to exclude yourself from the diseases that are contraindications to visit the pool:
- different kinds of skin diseases.
- infectious diseases;
- diseases of the circulatory system;
- malignant tumors;
- venereal disease.
- different kinds of skin diseases.
- infectious diseases;
- diseases of the circulatory system;
- malignant tumors;
- venereal disease.
For help on visiting the pool you must pass a medical examination by a physician, dermatologist, venereologist, gynecologist or urologist.
For help on visiting of the pool will need to pass:
-analysis on AIDS;
-analysis of RW;
-analysis on yaytseglist;
-reaction on hemagglutination (typhoid fever);
-the General analysis of blood;
-analysis on AIDS;
-analysis of RW;
-analysis on yaytseglist;
-reaction on hemagglutination (typhoid fever);
-the General analysis of blood;
For help, you should contact a district hospital or private medical center. There are pools in which you can pass the appropriate examination and receive a certificate on the spot.
Help to visit the pool valid from 3 to 6 months.
If you can't swim, the idea to pool you it is better to postpone, or to enroll in swimming training.
Useful advice
In addition to the help for the swimming pool you will need to pay for the services according to the tariffs of the pool, familiarize yourself with the rules of safety and prepare necessary things (swimsuit, flip-flops, a swimming cap, soap, washcloth, towel, and Hairdryer).