You will need
  • The formula for calculation of the shift factor of the equipment:
  • KSM = CHS / N
  • where CHS is actually worked the number of machines (mechanical shift) per day;
  • N is the total number of cash machines (cars).
Count actually worked the number of machines per day. Consider the following example of calculation. Let's say your shop is 10 units. Work is being done in three shifts per day (each shift 8 hours). The first shift worked 8 units of equipment in the second shift - 9 units, third shift - 10 units. Fold three numbers (8+9+10)=27. This number indicates how many units of equipment have worked in your shop in all shifts for the day.
Calculate the ratio shift according to the above formula. Divide actually worked the number of machines per day the total number of machines in the shop. In our example this is 10 pieces of equipment. So, dividing the number 27 for 10 get ratio shift, is 2.7. Maximum coefficient of utilization of equipment in three-shift chart is equal to 3. In our example, the equipment is not fully loaded, the unused reserves of the plant was 30% (i.e., 3 - 2,7 = 0,3*100%=30%). Similarly, the calculated ratios of the shift of equipment in an average month for the year.
Analyze the results by calculating the coefficient ofs shift for various periods. Review the trend in the change factor. Its increase testifies to more complete use of production equipment without additional capital investments. If the ratio shift has tended to decline, look for the reasons of incomplete loading machines, take measures to eliminate these causes, consider the possibility of a more full use of the equipment of your company.