Following this division, every girl will be able to determine which palette of tones and shades should be preferred when creating a makeup.

The following color types:face



- Summer


The first item in this list can be easily divided into two sub-items: "white winter" and "southern winter". Women belonging to the first subtype are usually the owners of dark hair, dark eyebrows, pale skin and lips cold pink. These ladies rarely blush, and slightly tanned skin streaked olive color.

The second subtype can be characterized as follows: the skin is cold shades of bright highlights in dark eyelashes and eyebrows, well-defined lips often have the plum shade. Sunbathing, these girls acquire chocolate skin tones. Winter – cold season, so the appearance related to this type, does not tolerate the use of warm palette.

Girl spring fully justifies its appearance the name of the next item. Light, Golden and delicate are the features of ladies "spring" type. Looks are always very warm tones, has a lot of gold, brown, beige and peach shades. As girls approach the bright, warm, cheerful colors: the whole rainbow to blue.

The "old" ladies are different. Hair color varies from ashy to brown. Eyes are mostly grey, but with the presence of different shades. In "summer" you will never see brown, Golden and red colors. Makeup this lady to pick up very simply: any color in dim gentle.

Autumn is always full of warmth and colors: brown, gold, red and their various combinations. These girls rarely are the owners of blue and gray eyes. Makeup should choose warm colors, definitely a matte texture. Blush is better not to use or apply them transparently – one rule of "autumn".