You will need
  • - passport;
  • - additional document on a choice of the borrower.
The procedure of registration of credit cards is more simple than a classic consumer credit. They do not require collateral and the involvement of the guarantors. But some banks have gone further and further simplified the procedure for obtaining the card. They propose making no references and proof of income.
A number of banks offer to apply for a credit card just to two documents only - passport and any other of your choice. This can be a passport, driver's license, registration certificate car, SNILS, certificate of ownership of the property, a copy of the work. You can choose the document that you will provide.
Also very easy to get a credit card in the Bank, whose client you are. In this case, the Bank is aware of your financial situation, therefore, for the design often need only a passport. Many banks give credit cards for those who pay a mortgage. It acts as a backup wallet for the borrower. Also often the banks make individual deals on credit cards with a pre-approved limit for payroll customers.
What banks have today the most loyal requirements to borrowers? So, to get a credit card with a limit of 300 thousand rubles only on the passport today in the Bank Renaissance Credit ("Clear the map"), Tinkoff ("Tinkoff platinum"), the Bank ("the Elixir Classic"). The possibility of obtaining a card according to two documents without proof of income is possible in URALSIB and Bank of Moscow ("a Low percentage"). In the latter case income will be confirmed indirectly by providing evidence of title, passport stamp, border control or account statements.
Note that providing the minimum package of documents for obtaining a credit card increases the risk of non-repayment of Bank borrowings. That is why interest rates on such credit cards are higher and the credit limit - less. So if you expect a greater credit limit and lower interest rate, you must provide proof of income.