First, when choosing handbags pay attention to the material from which it is made. Of course, the modern analogues of artificial leather is hardly dismissive to call it "leatherette", but to natural leather in most cases still superior to such materials in all respects. Bag, made of leather of good quality, long wear, it is tactilely pleasing, does not become hard and icy to the touch in the cold season. This accessory will last you much longer than similar, but made of leather.
If for some reason you do not want to buy a bag of genuine leather, note is made of the textile model. From the huge assortment of such handbags you can choose the one that fits your style. The advantages of tissue models can be attributed to their light weight and ease of care.
Buying a bag for the winter, which should fit your entire winter wardrobe, focus on accessory black or brown, especially if you are a fan of the classical style in clothes. In autumn and spring is quite suitable bag noble cognac or deep red colors, again, if you are not prioritize unusual colors when drawing up its image. Ideal for summer is a bag of white or beige.
By purchasing a bag of "every day", do not go to extremes: small clutch bags that barely enters Bank card and lip gloss, of course, look very attractive, but they are completely impractical. Huge sacks, in the depths of which is impossible to find a ringing phone or the keys to the apartment, too, is not very convenient, especially if they do not keep their shape, being half-empty. Choose a medium size bag that looks harmonious and in your hand or on the shoulder.
As for your universal handles handbags, they must be long enough so you can wear it on the shoulder. First, you will have a free hand, and secondly, you will protect yourself from burglars, wresting the purse from the hands of the girls. As an option – the bag can be detachable shoulder strap.
Finally, choose between a bag of a famous brand or product from a trusted manufacturer. The fact that imitations of famous brands or no name bags in most cases, it affects the quality of fittings and lining, causing the operating period not less than one to two seasons. Of course, hardware can be replaced in a repair shop, and the lining – sew, but agree that the new bag is of good quality – it's not the same as the product after repair.