General information

When a person gains weight, the skin begins to stretch due to the increase in volume of the body. Over time, cells get used to a new state. If after some time, the weight loss, ideally, the skin should gradually recover, slightly reduced in volume and pull instead of remaining unnecessary folds. But not always. With a sharp weight loss, the skin cells just don't have time to get in shape, she droops, giving the figure unaesthetic appearance.

How to prevent sagging skin

Most important for this is a reasonable slow weight loss. While it is best to follow a proper healthy diet. Thanks to this month takes only 3-4 kg, but the body has time to recover, the skin is lifted, and that weight loss is not threatened by a sharp weight gain after stopping diet. Because diets in this case no proper diet should become a way of life.

In order to keep the skin tone temper her daily showers. This will help to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and folds, and to tighten existing ones. Copes with the problem of "excess" skin massage. It can be done in the salon or on your own. Honey, cupping, hand, using the massager — any type of massage — a great helper in the process restore the skin and bring the figure to perfection.

Do not give up your scrubs. Otshelushivaet the skin 2-3 times a week and the results will not keep itself waiting. The fact that through this process, the regeneration of cells. In the end, the skin is visibly tightened and becomes more elastic. Beautiful effect of the coffee scrub, which can easily be prepared at home by mixing spit coffee with a small amount of sugar.

Firming, anti-cellulite, moisturizers and oils for the skin — loyal aides on the way to the perfect body. Daily use of skin care products has a positive result, as in the process of rebuilding it after the diet and in the prevention of sagging and the appearance of stretch marks.

Sport helps to keep in tone the entire body. Exercise helps burn calories and improve circulation throughout the body. Consequently, the skin gets proper food, and it helps to give it elasticity.

Meeting all these tips the skin it is possible to tone and tighten after weight loss resulting folds. But maybe it's only in the case if the person has not lost too much weight. For example, loss in the shortest time possible 20 kg or more contributes to a very strong sagging skin. To return to her previous form is possible only through surgical intervention. The surgeon will remove excess skin and will impose a neat seam. However, any operation is stressful for the body, so lose weight slowly and permanently care for the body, to avoid unpleasant consequences.