Features of the application of algae mask

Although alginate mask when applying and is not much different from the others, some nuances are still there. So, eyebrows and eyelashes should be covered with refined vegetable oil or fat cream, to prevent contact with the composition. In this case, you will be able to avoid damage to the eyebrows and eyelashes when removing the mask.

If you have problem skin that has acne, irritation, peeling or micro cracks (near the mouth, at the outer corners of the eyelids, etc.), before applying alginate mask brush skin restorative treatment serum or emulsion, wait until it is completely absorbed, and only then proceed to the main procedure.
If you have at hand was not the serum or the emulsion, clean the skin of any vegetable oil or mixture of essential oils (chamomile, Jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang). Allow to soak in, remove excess with a soft cloth.

A few words about the cleansing of the skin before applying the mask. Simple washing with soap and water or gel to be insufficient, the need to cleanse with exfoliating products. Then the effect of alginate masks, made at home, will be the maximum.

Very useful before applying this mask will be tested for allergic reactions, because of salt alginates extracted from brown algae that can cause acute allergies. If the test – applying the composition on the inner bend of the elbow or the skin behind the ear – there is a strong redness, swelling, and even burning, from algae mask have to give. If an allergic reaction occurs, you can begin the procedure.

Preparation of the composition of the alginate mask

Today in the pharmacy presents a large variety of alginate masks. Most often they are available in powder form. You can purchase a basic structure in which there is only alginic acid and nothing more, and you can opt for formulations with various additives. For example, with vitamin C, herbs, blue clay, etc. Then proceed to instructions attached to each package.

Typically, the powder is diluted in warm water in proportion 1:1, it will be right, but you can do otherwise, to enhance the effect of the mask. Take sea salt, dilute it in warm water (0.5 tsp. to ½ Cup of water) drip 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil to this solution dilute the powder, until you obtain a homogeneous dense mass, of the consistency resembles thick cream.
The powder should dissolve quickly, and also quick to apply. Diluted composition dries within 5-7 minutes, after this time it is not suitable for use.

How to apply the algae mask on the face

Algae mask should be applied quickly with the spatula a thick layer all over the face, eyes, and lips, if you wish, on the neck and chest area (however, you may not use the eyes when applying makeup, if you find it uncomfortable and you are afraid to experience discomfort). Your face should be relaxed. Facial expressions, laughter, conversations, deleted. The mask hardens in 5-7 minutes. In the next 10-15 minutes it is plasticization, reduction in volume, it begins to resemble taut rubber. While there is a tightening of the skin. After half an hour from the time of application, remove the mask movement of the facial muscles from the chin to the forehead.

Immediately after lifting alginate mask, wipe the face with a blend of essential oils that have a calming effect, or tonic, suitable for your skin type, and then a light moisturizer. It is advisable not to go out in the next 2-3 hours in order to avoid the aggressive effects of the environment on the skin. Beauticians suggest to do modelling mask in a day full course – 10-15 procedures, then a break for 2 months then you can repeat the course.