How does "bear's disease"

"Bear's disease" or irritable bowel syndrome is called a disorder of the intestine, develops as a result of disorders of the psychosocial mechanism of action, disorders of the visceral sensitivity of the intestine and of motor activity. In most countries, the "bear's disease" is a very common disease, but about 60% of patients for medical assistance do not apply. The most susceptible to irritable bowel syndrome young people of working age (25-40 years).
The study of this disease began in the 19th century.

"Bear's disease" is a set of functional disorders which persist for at least 10-12 weeks during the calendar year. They have the following symptoms: discomfort and pain in the abdomen that take place after the act of defecation frequency and stool consistency, flatulence, mucus along with the feces. There are three options for current irritable bowel syndrome:
- predominant diarrhea;
- with predominant constipation;
- with predominant pain in the abdomen and flatulence.

In practice, this division is conditional, because half of the patients have a combination of different symptoms. Often "bear's disease" occurs when a strong stress, during the period of nervous feelings. This reaction of the organism causes a sudden and strong irritation of the nervous system and the cerebral cortex by external factors, as a result, it aktiviziruyutsya and enhances various body functions.

Treatment "the bear illness"

The role of diet in the treatment of "the bear illness" has not been proven, but it has a significant impact on the nature of the chair. You should limit the intake of fatty and gas-forming food, fiber, alcohol, caffeine, fiber. If you experience pain and bloating, vegetables should be consumed in boiled, baked or stewed. Diarrhea should be excluded from the diet of milk, raw vegetables and fruits.
With constipation need to increase the consumption of dietary fiber should eat grains, carrots, beets, pumpkin, fruit, oatmeal.

Drug therapy of irritable bowel syndrome are aimed at addressing the symptoms. Patients prescribed antispasmodic and antidiarrheal medicines, probiotics, the herbal products, antibiotics. Justified the prescription of antidepressants, benzodiazepines, blockers of serotonin receptors.