Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease and can be transmitted sexually as it can be under the effect of certain factors, bringing a lot of trouble. Still not clear why some women are prone to this disease while others are not. However, known factors contributing to the development of yeast infection. Typically, these include: pregnancy, diabetes, antibiotics, chronic infections, birth control pills, a weakened immune system. There are also theories that explain the causes of a yeast infection.

Hormonal balance. Many gynecologists claim that the reason why many women are prone to yeast infection before menstrual period while taking birth control pills or during pregnancy, is hidden in the change in the balance of hormones. They believe that the active growth of the Candida fungus is due to increase levels of some hormones which in turn alter the vaginal environment. For example, during pregnancy women reported a higher level of progesterone, which stimulates growth of yeast. In the presence of high blood sugar level, diabetes contributes to creating an acidic environment.

A weakened immune system. If a woman is prone to the development of yeast infection begins to take antibiotics, it increases the risk of developing yeast infection. This is due to the fact that in addition to destroying harmful bacteria, which kills this drug just as well die and beneficial organisms – lactic acid Bacillus. While a weakened immune system more exposed to the development of candidiasis.

To the manifestation of yeast infection include the following symptoms:

- strong and sharp burning sensation in the genital region. After bathing and in the evening it can be more acute;
- bright red coloration of the genital organs;
- inflammation and pain of the external genitalia;
- cheesy discharge;
- problems with urination;
- pain during intercourse, arising from touching the mucosa.

To treat thrush only after consultation with a specialist. This warning is due to the fact that similar symptoms are sometimes associated with other diseases that are transmitted sexually. So be sure to verify the diagnosis from your doctor.