Acupuncture is a method of treatment of nontraditional Chinese medicine

One of the Essentials of medicine in Ancient China is the doctrine that vital energy flows through the body along certain channels, ensuring the normal functioning of internal organs. Working on specific points of the body, you can change the direction of energy. Acupuncture (reflexology) based on this doctrine. Specialist of acupuncture there are many acupuncture points on the human body. Acupuncture at these points is done manually, very rarely with the use of special electrical apparatus.
Current of low frequency acupuncture is used to enhance the effect.

A session of acupuncture may continue, depending on the disease, from fifteen minutes to half an hour. During the session you can experience side effects of dizziness or slight bleeding at the injection site. Acupuncture affects the internal organs and regulates their functions, promotes blood circulation in the body. This method is non-traditional Chinese medicine used for relieving pain in chronic, eye, respiratory diseases. Acupuncture is used to relieve alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction.

The effect of treatment with acupuncture is recognized by the International Health Organization. I have compiled a list of diseases for which the recommended treatment acupuncture: this is rhinitis, acute sinusitis, tonsillitis, colds and respiratory infections, cataracts, conjunctivitis, myopia, inflammation of the gums and toothache, arthritis, pain in the lumbar area, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, constipation, poliomyelitis, headache, enuresis, diseases of the trigeminal nerve.

The harm of acupuncture, contraindications for the procedure

The harm of acupuncture procedures may fail if they are carried out by experienced technician with proper measures of hygiene and sterility. If in doubt about the competence of the doctor or the sterility of the needles is better to abandon the procedure because there is a risk of hepatitis, infectious diseases, AIDS. Alternatively, you can buy individual disposable needles.
Acupuncture is contraindicated in children under one year and elderly people over seventy years of age and women during pregnancy.

Acupuncture is contraindicated for people with cancer, with infectious diseases in the acute stage, at elevated temperature, depressions, General weakness, organic injuries of the heart and kidneys. This procedure cannot be held people in a condition of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication; in case of pain syndrome.