First you need to open your twitter account in the window of any browser. Next, click the mouse on the icon "Settings and help" once. In the drop-down menu, select the line "Settings". You will see the settings page of your account.
On the left are given a choice of several tabs: "Account", "Security and privacy", "Password", "Phone", "email Notification", "Profile", "Design", "Apps", "Widgets". Are you interested in "Account". Scroll to the bottom and find a link "Delete my account", click on it once.
In the opened window, click on the blue button "Delete account @/your nickname/", then you will be prompted to enter your current password. You will then receive a message that your account is deleted. Also, this message produblirovat to your email.
If you change your mind to delete your account, simply log in to twitter within 30 days after removal – the social network keeps the data of your account within one month after your removal request. In addition, if you want to use a nickname to create another account on the social network Twitter or register a new account on a specified in the account email, before deleting the unwanted account, change the nickname and/or email data. Otherwise you will not be able to use them to remove the account during the month after removal.
If you want to change the username or URL of your twitter account is not necessary to delete the account and create a new one. Just go to the tab "Account" and replace them there. After changing the account data the system will require you to input the current password. To change the current email will require not only a password but also a confirmation through e-mail, and sent a request for confirmation will be on the old e-mail.