Familiarity with "Thank you from Sberbank" can be very useful when planning an upcoming summer vacation. Preparing for bright travels are always pleasant, but often associated with a large number of purchases. To make them more profitable, pay by card instead of cash. More purchases on the card - more bonuses THANK you - more discounts in stores-partners of the program! The accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for discounts when buying essential holiday items: camera, books, cosmetics, and more. Bonus THANKS can be used even when paying for tours and tickets! As a result, the cost to vacation could be not as onerous as expected.


To be part of the program "Thank you from Sberbank" is very simple. You don't need to make a new card, write statements or fill out forms. Enough to be a holder of any card of Sberbank* to enroll in the program a convenient way for you: via ATM, information terminal of the savings Bank or via the Internet with the help of "Sberbank Online"**. In all cases, your mobile phone will receive sms-message with confirmation of your registration in the program. And now any purchase on the card in Russia and even around the world will be encouraged by the bonuses THANKS. If you have multiple cards of the savings Bank, to pay you any of them – bonus account to all of your cards uniform.


Becoming a participant of the program "Thank you from Sberbank", to make a purchase you will not only pleasant but also profitable. Almost everywhere, where you can pay with a Bank card, every heard "thank you", you get a bonus THANK you. Sberbank earns 1.5% of each purchase in the first three months after registration, and 0.5% thereafter. To get the bonuses, YOU can practically at every step. Refueled the car, paid card, THANK you, took the usual morning coffee – THANK you for choosing a gift for your loved ones, bought groceries, paid a travel – THANK you. And with every purchase "grateful" bonuses on the map more. And if you want to get even more THANKS go to the stores-partners of the bonus program. They offer their members a variety of stocks with higher bonuses and pay up to 20% of a purchase amount of the bonus THANK you! In the partner stores, YOU can not only save, but to spend. Every THANK you is equal to one ruble discounts. If you have, for example, 1,000 bonus points, you can redeem them for a discount of 1000 rubles. You can spend them on the entire purchase (this amount is not less than 1 ruble must be paid) and some part, paying the difference by cash or card.


The number of partners of the program "Thank you from Sberbank" is growing every day, more than a hundred. These are leading companies in their categories (outlets and online stores) offering the best goods and services: jewellery and beauty salons, travel agencies and ticket agencies, pharmacies, shops of building materials, cell phone stores, clothing stores, children's goods, home appliances and many more.


"Thank you from Sberbank" – it's really convenient and easy bonus program which makes any of your payment card is more profitable and gives a lot of opportunities with every new purchase. Join us!



* Bonuses THANKS awarded after registration in the program "Thank you from Sberbank". A program participant can be a holder of any card of the savings Bank, except the cards are Maestro and Maestro "Social" North-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia, whose numbers begin with numbers 676195, 639002551.

** For system access must have the card connected to the Mobile banking service. For payments made through SBA, may be charged a fee, the fee does not exceed 1% of the payment amount.


The organizer of the Program "Thank you from Sberbank" OJSC "Sberbank of Russia". From the date of registration in the Program if payment is made by goods, works, and services worldwide (a list of exceptions specified in the Rules) Authorized the Programme management company (ZAO "Centre SQUARE") Bonuses on the Bonus account of the Participant. Program rules and a list of stores participating in the Program posted on the website www.sberbank.ru and/or www.spasibosberbank.ru. The program operates from November 11, 2011 and does not expire.


OJSC "Sberbank of Russia". General license of Bank of Russia № 1481 from 08.08.2012.