Lead active lifestyle. If you have a whole day to sit, periodically take short breaks to walk a bit and stretch. Do not stand or sit for a long time in one position.
Use exercise with a moderate load to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, and thighs. Enjoy a swim. It has no contraindications, and has a positive effect on the organism of mother and future child. However, any sporting activity in your case require prior medical advice.
Perform Kegel exercises. They are quite simple to take a little time.
Follow the posture. Don't slouch, keep your back straight. Prolonged standing tighten your stomach and pull your shoulders back.
Do not lift or carry weights. If you want to pick up something from the floor, then do it right. Do not lean. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, sit down, take the object, go up. Do not strain the back muscles. Lift objects by the force of arms.
Avoid the execution of the works in the folded state, as this puts additional strain on the spine.
Sleep on your left side, lay between the knees pillow. Getting up from bed do not strain the lower back. Place your feet on the floor, place both hands, slowly stand up.
Don't sleep on soft mattresses. This causes deformation of the spine. Sleep on your left side, lay between the knees pillow. Getting up from bed do not strain the lower back. Place your feet on the floor, place both hands, slowly stand up.
Get any better orthopedic mattress. Do the massage, take warm (but not hot!) baths. Wear a bandage. He will correct your posture and help correct distribution of load on the spine.
Sometimes to relieve back pain helps simple exercise. Get down on all fours. On the inhale the rotten back down, lift your head, straighten your shoulders. On the exhale, lower your head. Vignette back up.
We should not forget that back pain can be a symptom of serious disease. If it increases, consult your doctor.