Treatment of a cold should not begin without consultation of the doctor should establish the cause of the disease, type of rhinitis (infectious, allergic, vasomotor) and to select the means of affecting it and having a minimal impact on the organism as a whole.
The choice of tools from cold depends largely on the patient's concentration of the means employed depends on the age of the patient and his condition in General.
It should be remembered that popular vasoconstrictor drops (preparations of type "Naftizina, Sanorin, Galazolin") have a fairly short duration and have a toxic effect on the cardiovascular system and the body. In addition, it develops addictive and the patient can not do without the continuous use of increasing doses is similar to nose drops is a vicious cycle develops. Such drops from a rhinitis it is strictly forbidden to assign and apply to children under the age of one year.
Preference in the treatment of rhinitis should be given the drops of oil-based – these products do not desiccate the mucosa and consists of extracts from the medicinal plants have a therapeutic effect when applied topically.
In pediatric practice, preference should be given drops with antiseptic and a slight cauterizing action "Protargol", "Coralgal", but it is better to use them only as directed by your doctor.
The safe drops from the common cold are considered to be drops of water-based decoctions and infusions of herbs – chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, sage, eucalyptus, but these funds are for a very short time, and they have instilled 5-6 times a day.
You can bury the nose drops and sprays made with sea water – "Akvamaris", "Humer". These drugs normalize the composition of nasal mucus and improves the condition of the nasal mucosa, their main advantage – the possibility of application even in infants and the absence of any toxic effects on the body.