It is many times more useful and effective traditional variations, as in Thai massage, in addition to friction and relaxation movements, the client should take any stand from yoga, amplifying the effect of such a procedure. Thai massage has borrowed a lot from ancient Chinese medicine, which is the oldest on the planet.

Massage combined with yoga designed to improve the spiritual conditions of man to energize the right balance. There is a judgment that all psycho-physical difficulties are caused by imbalances in the body, if the energy of the river the channels are moving correctly.

Correction of channel and direct energy in the right direction, massage therapists try to influence particular points of the human body.

An interesting quality of Thai massage is that the body, except the feet, closed the robe and the therapist does not touch intimate places. Retortion acts on key points located on the fingers and toes of man.

The length of the session, the client's discretion.

For such a massage to see very interesting movement in this smooth, well-developed, slow, and rhythmic touch.

Starts with massage of the lower extremities, and terminates with a head. This method is very relaxing, and the internal energy comes in order. Ends procedure mussirovanie person due to which his expression and appearance acquire the original species, untainted heavy experiences.