Antibacterial therapy administered with the accession of infection or when it caused inflammation of the nerve. To diagnose this at the hospital after the tests and a medical examination. Kind of antibiotics are prescribed depending on the pathogen and the disease, why not buy yourself any medication.
But it is not always the inflammation associated with infectious diseases. As emergency prednisolone, which you can take in pill or to put yourself intramuscular injections. Pre-discuss with your doctor the method and treatment plan. Prednisone is rather strong medication, it should not be taken without good reason, he refers to a number of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Warm up the area of nerve inflammation. Can use a heating pad, capsicum plaster, or heat ointments. But it is better to go for physiotherapy in hospital, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. Can also warm up in the bath or in the hot tub.
Take vitamins with a high content of group B. They will contribute to a speedy recovery zastuzheny nerve and will help restore mobility to the affected area. Sorry, that one vitamin is not enough. Try to do massage, develop protogerou part. Importantly, to avoid a pinched nerve endings, because the cells and tissue around the nerve is now swollen. Be careful with any deterioration in health contact the hospital.