Baby. Classic "Napoleon" decorated with crumbs of cakes, which he cooked. To give a more appetizing appearance, crush one of the cakes into fine crumbs, and fry the crumbs in the oven until Golden brown. Sprinkle the cake crumbs from all sides.
Chocolate. It is better to use for decoration of dark chocolate - that you reach voynovo effect: first, dark chocolate is not so much melts, and second, the slight bitterness of dark chocolate will give a spicy touch. Put a chocolate bar in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, then grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle on cake.
Nuts. "Napoleon" you can decorate with nuts. You can use any nuts, even a mixture thereof. Lightly fry the kernels and grind in a blender until crumbs. Walnut crumbs sprinkle the cake with whole nuts adorn the top.
Powdered sugar. Icing sugar cake "Napoleon" decorate better in combination with the chips. Sprinkle the cake crumbs and then using a sieve, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar. Using stencils, you can use icing sugar to decorate the cake with figures.
Cream. Whipped cream are the traditional decoration of the cake "Napoleon", but they are quite relevant if you used the cream in the cream.
Berries. If you have used the cream for "Napoleonand" berries, you can decorate the cake with them. And although this is very far from the classic dessert recipe, this ornament will look original and unusual, and berry flavor perfectly complement the traditional taste of "Napoleon".