All applications, regardless of their content, are subject to obligatory consideration by the judge, official or other authority, the production of which has been the case.

Features of consideration

The application must be submitted exclusively in written form. It is subject to immediate review in the shortest possible time. They can range from one or two to ten days. The decision to grant or refuse the petition is accepted directly by an official to whom it is addressed.

To write the petition properly, you need to know all the nuances of the case

As in the case with the explanatory Memorandum, the substantive aspect of the petition by law is not strictly regulated. But needless to say, that everything contained in it information must be as clear, specific and thorough.

To correctly write the petition, constituting him a person should be interested in a favorable outcome. Therefore, a significant part of the application should be given for recovery of certain documents or evidence, call witnesses, financial aid, etc. All this applies to both physical and legal entity.

How to write a petition to the administrative authorities?

By the way, the list of situations and cases by which citizens can petition the court, the legislation is not defined. This list depends on the specifics of a criminal or administrative case, the complexity of each situation and many other circumstances. It should be noted that the decision to refuse in satisfaction of a claim will be made solely at the highest official and mandatory shall be in writing.

To write the motion correctly, you need to remember that it is made in two copies. The second instance in the upper left corner should write the word "copy". In the upper right corner of the application designer indicates the recipient is an officer, to whom he refers. After a statement of fact the petitioner indicates the date of its execution and puts his signature. Note that in presenting the petition officer receiving it shall give the applicant a copy of the mark about its acceptance.