Before the Sacrament of Baptism godfather future parent needs to confess and take communion. For this you need to fast for three days. In this period of time should abandon the marital duties of food of animal origin, as well as to protect yourself from irritability and profanity.
The duties of the procession of the Pope are not expensive gifts, and the education of the child in the Orthodox faith and love for God. Therefore, in the spiritual fathers, you cannot choose the representatives of other faiths (Buddhists, Baptists, Muslims, pagans, etc.) or convinced atheists.
The godfather must not only be baptized and wear a cross, but also to know the prayers, regularly attend Church, take communion and confess. As a child gets older, he needs to pray for him, read with him the gospel, to introduce prayers, led Sunday school, to talk about icons, fasting, and religious holidays, it is possible to travel on a pilgrimage.
If you are fortunate enough to baptize the child, surround him with attention and care, especially if someone of the parents lead an immoral life. The child should know that godfather parent – native people, to the words which is worth considering, with whom you can share experiences or joy. The godfather should be an example for their godchildren as well as a father for their children.
Do not forget that during the sacrament of Baptism you before God, renounced Satan for the innocent baby who was kept on hand. According to Church canons, the godfather will have to answer before God, if he raised children as their own children.