You will need
  • - pieces of fabric;
  • - candle;
  • - beads, beads or buttons;
  • polymer clay;
  • pieces of the skin;
  • - leather dye.
The flower can be made from fabric. For manufacturing suitable artificial silk, chiffon, satin, any synthetic material, lace, organza etc. You need to pick the fabric color and texture and cut out from it circles or shapes in other shapes, depending on what flower you want to make. Assume for simplicity that this is a mug. Cut them a little more to your flower turned out more than magnificent.
Then light a candle and put it next to a container of water. The candle needed to burn the edges of the circle and a little difficult to form, and water – in case, if you overdo it, and your material will catch fire. Next, take a piece of fabric with a pin or tweezers and quickly rotate it over the flame. The effect is different – the fabric may curl, pucker, color change or cover with folds depending on the exposure temperature. To achieve an interesting result, you need to experiment.
After that, all the clubs gather together and carefully position it in the center. The center of the flower decorate beads, beads or buttons. Then you just have to glue the finished flower to the clip, hairpin or invisible.
The hair clip flower you can make from polymer clay. For this, take a white slip clay, is superimposed on an automatic barrette. The excess material cut, and leave 4-5 mm and the fold to strengthen. From clay take a few roses and leaves in the form of boats. Then it all need to connect, to attach to the base and bake at 110 degrees for half an hour. When the pin has cooled, cover the flowers with varnish. Instead of roses you can do any other flowers – poppies, daisies, chrysanthemums, pansies, etc., to obtain the relief surface of the petals, they should be pressed to the textured surface or to create the desired grooves with a toothpick.
Colors can be made from any available in your home pieces of leather – from old bags, boots, jackets or gloves. To Polish the skin, enough to lubricate it with cream or vaseline. The inside skin is removed, the processed edge stain. By squeezing the skin attached to the structure.
Cut with a knife or scissors "zig-zag" circles. In order not to break, make radial incisions. Join the parts with a thread (or glue "Moment") and decorate with buttons and beads. To complicate the model, try to cut out the petals of the future flower in different lengths and shapes. They can also be dyed in different color spray paints for shoes, colored hair lacquers or aniline dyes. If the skin is thick and hard, her fry in a cast iron skillet to slightly bend up and shape of a hemisphere.