You will need
    • 500 g calves;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 80-90 grams of salt.
Rinse under running water egg-bearing sacs, put in a deep bowl and cut in several places with a sharp thin knife.
Prepare a brine solution for pickling. To do this, boil water, remove from heat and let it cool slightly. Clean medium size potatoes, place in water and start adding salt. As soon as the potatoes come up, the brine is ready. At salting of caviar don't be afraid to oversalt the brine, the main thing — not to overdo and then in a solution of caviar.
Remove the potatoes, pour the eggs salt and start to mix with a fork or whisk as scrambled eggs, whisk. As the film will be wound with a fork or whisk, remove it. The mixing of the calf takes from five to ten minutes, depending on for what purpose you are preparing the eggs. If for long-term storage, keep it in the brine should be longer, and if you suspect immediately to the table, it is enough five minutes. The ROE in this case will be salted, and store it in the refrigerator for two to three days.
Drain the salted caviar with brine to remove any pieces of tape that are not wrapped around a whisk or fork. Then drain eggs in a colander or sieve and let the water drain Put it in cheesecloth, folded in several layers, tie the bag and hang for about twenty minutes or thirty drying. The process of drying is not less important than salting. It depends on the grainy-calf.
It is possible for the drying of calf, not to hang it in gauze and lay on a towel in a thin layer, spread it with a spoon and allow to absorb excess moisture by blotting on top.
Put the eggs into clean jars, cover and refrigerate. Hours after five or six eggs will be ready to eat.
For long-term storage eggs should be kept in brine for ten minutes, and after drying, put in sterilized jars, pour a thin layer of vegetable masli and put in the freezer. On taste, this caviar will be slightly worse, but it can prepare for the future and use as needed.