You will need
    • press;
    • form cheese;
    • a large clay pot;
    • the colander;
    • a long knife;
    • 8 bricks;
    • 2 large piece of cheesecloth;
    • 2 cups fresh milk (to ferment);
    • 4.5 l of cow's milk;
    • 4 tbsp. butter;
    • 3/4 tsp of baking soda;
    • 2/3 Cup of sour cream;
    • 1/4 tsp salt.
Make the starter: Express 2 cups milk at room temperature for a day.
Add yeast to 4.5 liters of warm milk, cover the container with a lid and leave in a warm place for 12 hours.
Place the container with the curdled milk into a large, filled with warm water. Put them on a small fire, use a thermometer to monitor the heating water should heat water to 38оС for 30-40 minutes and maintain this temperature until the mass reaches a sufficient density.
Determine the moment when the mass can be cut with a knife, cut the curd with a long knife into cubes 3 by 3 cm, right in the pot, then with a long spoon and mix them up, trying not to mash and to prevent the sticking of the cubes. Check out the pieces on density: gently squeeze your fingers and quickly release. If the piece is easy to break into pieces, does not stick to hands, it is possible to end heating (usually heat lasts from 40 to 60 minutes).
Drain the whey using a colander, line a rimmed gauze form for cheeseand (any container with holes in the bottom), put the cheese mass. The ends of the cheesecloth tie the top, place the mold under the press. Put on the upper Board press 4 bricks, then add one brick every ten minutes, giving freely to drain the serum. In conclusion, leave the ground under the weight of 8 bricks per hour.
Remove the mass from the mold, add the butter and baking soda, chop them with a knife in small pieces to mix well with butter and soda. Put in a clay pot, tightly clutching a weight to the bottom, leave in a warm place for 2.5 hours.
Add the weight of the sour cream and salt, stir. Put in the form of heat (smaller capacity with cheeseom more full of warm water). Put on a slow fire, stir until the solid compounds of sour cream with mass. Then pour the mixture into the pot, greased, and put in the cold. Observe cheese for 2-3 months.