Take a fresh potato. It needs to be of excellent quality: no pesticides, rot and dark spots. It is best to prepare the juiceand choice of potatoes pink and red varieties. For one-time use only 2-3 pieces large or 3-4 small potatoes. Wash them thoroughly with a brush, because when preparing the juice ofa potato is not clean. Remove all the eyes and pass the potatoes through juiceavaimella.
If no juiceawajimachi, grate the washed tuber with peel on a small plastic grater.
Fold the clean gauze in two layers through it and squeeze the grated potatoes.
Let stand for the juiceat one minute (to donkey starch) and drink in small SIPS one hour before a meal. Please note that the peeled potatoes in contact with the air quickly begins to darken, the same thing happens with juiceth. Use it should be done no more than ten minutes after cooking. Otherwise the juice will lose its healing properties.
Gastritis, heartburn, dyspepsia, based on the ancient diet of Siberian healers, fasting morning drink a glass of fresh potato juice. Then lie down for half an hour in bed and an hour after reception of juiceand you can have Breakfast. Having done this procedure ten days, do a ten-day break, and again, repeat the treatment within ten days. Then again skip ten days and repeat a ten-day therapeutic course.
For the treatment of gastritis with high acidity is recommended to take half a Cup of potato juicehalf an hour before meals one or two times a day. The course of treatment is a month.
For headaches, drink 1/4 -1/2 Cup of potato juiceand before meals two or three times a day.
For the prevention and treatment of peptic ulcer of the duodenum, consume potato juice for 14 – 12 Cup before meals two or three times a day for two weeks.
In the treatment of potato juiceohms you should observe some rules. Before you start to take the juicefor several days to a vegetarian diet. Two or three days before the beginning of treatment juiceom every evening to do a cleansing enema.